Made in the USA: Acceleration of the Reshore Momentum

The Covid-19 pandemic has added fuel to the fire exposing additional weakness in today’s complex and highly distributed supply chains.  We’re witnessing the undoing of globalization as many manufacturers are accelerating their reshoring plans.  Join Steve Heinzen, Director of Business Development at Bright Machines, as he shares his perspective on this historical change in the manufacturing industry and tips for how companies can successfully implement their reshoring efforts.

What you’ll learn:

  • Key decision factors drive the business case for reshoring vs. near shoring vs. offshoring
  • Direct labor cost can be optimized with flexible and scalable product assembly lines built using configurable automation cells
  • Smart Automation can enable highly flexible and scalable manufacturing with regional manufacturing solutions

To learn more about our capabilities in building the backbone of AI, visit Bright Machines.

Learn more

Assembly Magazine: Reshoring, Supply Chain + Localization: What’s New, What’s Next (+ What to Do About It)
Bright Ideas

Assembly Magazine: Reshoring, Supply Chain + Localization: What’s New, What’s Next (+ What to Do About It)

Assembly Magazine: Manufacturing 2021-2022: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Assembly Magazine: Manufacturing 2021-2022: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Industry Week: Manufacturing 2021-2022: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Industry Week: Manufacturing 2021-2022: Looking Back, Looking Forward